21 Natural Energy Boosters to Energize You – Frank Lipman, MD

These lifestyle habits will give you a natural energy boost and help improve your sleep.

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Natural ways to boost energy can be found in almost every aspect of your daily living and a quick look at your lifestyle. Key areas to examine include your sleep hygiene practices, diet, movement, meditative practices, and the use of supplements. 


In this article, we’ll explore affordable and easy-to-implement natural energy boosters across each of these categories and explain why they’re so important.


Keep in mind however, that these changes may take time and it’s important to stick to these habits in order to see long term improvements to energy.

Sleep is one of the most important aspects for achieving overall wellness.


Not only does it massively impact energy levels, but it’s also essential for a healthy immune system, improved cognitive performance, stable mood, metabolism and cellular repair.


The body regulates sleep through the hormones melatonin and cortisol. When this hormone is too low before bed or cortisol is too high at night it makes it difficult to fall and stay asleep. When it’s too high during the day or cortisol is too low it can cause brain fog and fatigue.


Low energy levels can present for many reasons and often interferes with daily functioning. Luckily there are many natural ways to boost energy by following Dr. Lipman’s tips in this article.

Get 7-9 hours of sleep

Research has found that regular 7-9 hours of sleep per night is the ideal amount required to see positive benefits. This amount of sleep helps the mind to concentrate, think clearly and process memories all while boosting energy levels.

Set a sleep routine 

Sleep routines allow our body and hormones to adjust to a schedule. When you go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day the body’s circadian rhythm is able to properly adjust leading to optimal energy levels.


If you get out of routine and are short on sleep one day, try waking up at the normal time to get back into your sleep routine as soon as possible.

Keep a sleep and energy diary

Each morning, open your sleep diary (or your MasterHealth app’s Morning Intention) and take a quick moment to reflect on how your bedtime routine the previous night, how you feel in the morning, and your ability to remain asleep during the night.


This fast and easy practice can be helpful to figure out patterns in your sleep that could be caused by an underlying factor.

When to eat for better energy levels

Food should be avoided 3 hours before sleep. This will be easy if you already follow 16:8 intermittent fasting rules, or other time-restricted eating practices.


When we eat, blood flow is directed towards the gut in order to effectively digest food. If we eat too close to bed this means blood flow cannot be directed towards the brain as it needs to be for quality sleep.


Caffeine is certainly included in the list of natural energy boosters, but its intake impacts everyone differently.


Caffeine works by having a short term effect on energy levels by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine receptors are responsible for the feeling of sleepiness but when caffeinated beverages are consumed these receptors are blocked, leading to a sense of increased energy.


When caffeine is consumed in excess or closer to bedtime, it has the ability to disrupt sleep cycles. Although your body may need rest, it has a false sense of energy due to the blocked adenosine receptors.


Caffeine also disrupts the sleep hormone melatonin, and provides a false sense of energy even when the body may be tired.


Take notice of how many cups of coffee or other caffeinated beverages you consume in a day and how you feel. Try cutting back to 2 cups of coffee a day if you consume more and see if this makes a difference.


Caffeine should ideally be avoided for at least 6 hours before sleep, and in many cases taking your last sip before noon is advisable.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol may be helpful with the process of falling asleep due to its sedative effects, but is actually harmful to your REM sleep cycle. This is especially true when consumed in excess.


Those who drink closer to bedtime may fall into deep REM sleep almost immediately. This causes an imbalance between deep sleep and slow wave sleep leading to sleep disruptions.


Meditation helps to release the stressors of the day and unwind before sleep. It’s a great way to calm the mind and get away from racing thoughts that can disrupt quality sleep. 


Light yoga such as restorative yoga is a great way to help reduce the stressors of the day. This practice allows for the body and mind to slow down before going to sleep.


It focuses on light stretches and calming poses to soothe the mind and release any tension. Restorative yoga improves circulation of the blood and assists with the detoxification process.


This form of yoga allows for regulation of the nervous system, promoting deep and restful sleep while also regulating sleep patterns.

Soak up the morning light

Immediate morning light stimulates the happy hormone serotonin and acts as one of many natural energy boosters. Try opening your curtains as soon as you wake up or going for a walk first thing in the morning. Even 10-15 minutes of light in the morning can boost your mood, energy levels and metabolism.

Dr. Frank Lipman’s tips for getting light during the day

It’s difficult to get outside when you live a busy life. Simple ways to increase your light exposure during the day include bringing your laptop outside to do work, drinking your morning coffee or tea outdoors and even taking phone calls outside. 


This is even more important during the winter when sunlight exposure is decreased. Bundle up and go for a quick walk or sit outside with a warm drink and get some vitamin D.

Reduce blue light exposure before bed

Reducing exposure to artificial lighting and blue light is extremely important before bed. This changes through the seasons and should begin once the sun has gone down.


Exposure to light before bed decreases melatonin levels making it difficult to have a good quality of sleep.


Reducing light before bed increases our deep sleep cycle known as REM sleep which is needed to feel rested and energized throughout the day.

Tips for reducing light exposure before bed

Reduce the use of artificial lights by dimming lamps and other household lights. You can switch the use of amber toned light bulbs or himalayan salt lamps for winding down.


Stay off of screens such as phones and laptops a couple of hours before bed. You can also wear blue light blocking glasses when using screens later into the night.


Try setting your devices to night time mode an hour before sleep to start winding down and to reduce distractions from notifications.

Move more everyday

Movement is incredibly important for decreasing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Just 10-15 minutes of daily movement can reduce the risk of many unwanted diseases and is a great way to boost energy naturally. 


Movement doesn’t have to be complicated. Add in a daily walk or a quick yoga, strength training or HIIT session into your daily schedule.  

Strength training

Strength training is important because it protects against injury and chronic pain. It’s been found to boost your mood and energy levels.


Strength training should not be rushed into but can be slowly introduced into your routine. Having access to a qualified trainer is also a great way to safely integrate strength training into your weekly movement.

Building a HIIT habit

HIIT otherwise known as high intensity interval training is a way to condition the cardiovascular system faster and more effectively than long, slow cardio workouts. This form of training is great for those who have busy schedules and need quick and effective exercise. 


If you have known blood pressure or heart condition make sure to check in with a health professional before partaking in HIIT training. 


HIIT involves short durations of intense exercise that are followed by a short period of rest or a lower intensity of exercise. It’s typically done in cycles and is often shorter than lower intensity exercise.

By signing up for the How To Be Well program by Dr. Frank Lipman, you will gain access to the specific clinical-grade brands and protocol that he recommends for  improving energy levels.


Pro tip: You don’t actually need to subscribe to the program, simply complete sign-up in order to gain access to his supplement choices. You’ll get a little bonus from us too! (though we’re biased, we think you’ll love his program too!)


GABA attaches to receptors in the brain to create a stress reducing effect which can help with anxiety and fear that may lead to brain fog. It enables a good night’s sleep and that energized feeling throughout the day.


L-Theanine works to reduce stress through a calming effect. It promotes a better quality of sleep through anti-anxiety effects leaving you feeling well rested without the added drowsiness. 


Coenzyme Q10 provides energy for the cells in your body. It has the ability to reduce levels of fatigue and boost energy in the body. 


Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function and has also been found to support energy levels. 


Methyl B Complex helps the body convert the nutrients from food such as protein and fat into energy. 


Nicotinamide, the water soluble form of Vitamin B3 is also used for converting food into energy. 


By signing up for the How To Be Well program by Dr. Frank Lipman, you will gain access to the specific clinical-grade brands and protocol that he recommends for brain fog and improving mental clarity.

MasterHealth has worked closely with Dr. Frank Lipman to translate the above habits into a daily program to help people “optimize their energy”. 

Get started now by clicking the following link to the How To Be Well program on the MasterHealth website.

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Dr. Frank Lipman – How to Be Well

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