How to Deliver a 6-Star Challenge Experience

This playbook provides you with clear, actionable steps to deliver super-engaging group challenge experiences worthy of 6-star ratings & returning customers.

Welcome 👋

If you’re reading this, you’re likely just getting started – how exciting!

In this article

Why 6-stars?

In today’s world, most customer experience ratings are offered on a 5-star scale.


Delivering a 5-star experience is good. Actually, it’s expected. And people may even return to become repeat customers. 


But in delivering a 5-star experience, you haven’t done anything extraordinary to “go beyond ordinary expectation” to make someone compelled to tell the next 5 people they speak with about the experience you just provided them.


It is our ambition to give you everything you need  to help you deliver 6-star experiences – including the tech, tools, and tutorials to teach you how.


We are purposefully giving you the playbook for executing clear, engaging, fun, and successful challenges  for your challenge guests – to get them talking about you to their friends and coworkers, fuelling your future reach and growth of your audience.


The following sections will outline everything you can do to deliver the best possible experience to guests of a MasterHealth challenge – and hopefully earn you that 6th star in their minds!

Perfect your profile

When hosting a group challenge, your participants look to you as their guide and mentor. 


By polishing your profile with your credentials, a concise biography, your website link, and a warm, friendly photo, you’re not just sharing your qualifications. You’re extending a hand, offering trust, and setting the stage for connection. 


Your participants want to know who’s leading them on this journey, and your complete profile gives them confidence in your expertise and the mission you’re about to embark on together.


Make your first impression count, and shine bright to all who see it.

Describe your challenge clearly

Every challenge is different, and everyone has their own unique approach to delivering end-to-end challenge experiences. What’s yours?


Be clear when setting up your challenge to help participants understand what to expect in terms of outcomes or goals, and what they’ll be tracking and why.


If you’ll be sharing any resources, videos, or links to other helpful information, or conducting group video or zoom calls, that’s great info to share too.


Last idea for you – let them know that you’ll be there to hold them accountable and be their cheerleader.


These 2 examples illustrate how other hosts have gone about describing their challenges:

Example: Hydration challenge description

Want to know one of the easiest health hacks out there? Drinking more water 💧


Staying adequately hydrated is important for healthy skin, weight loss, regular bowel movements, and improved detox. Hydration can help improve energy, reduce headaches, and even slow aging. Simple 💥


In this challenge, I’ll hold you accountable to getting in enough water while also providing some fun facts and resources along the way!


Can’t wait for you to join me! Let’s drink up 🥤

Example: Steps challenge description

Somewhere around 8,000-10,000 steps per day is associated with reduced risk of mortality.


I personally have to be very deliberate with my daily movement if I want to hit that target, which is why I’m challenging myself to this 4-week challenge! I hope you join!


Hitting 10k steps per day means I’ll be taking calls while walking, parking at a distance that gives me a chance to get in a short walk, and making sure I’m breaking up my sitting throughout the day!

How to add your challenge description

You’ll find this on the settings screen of your challenge. So once you’ve created your challenge, tap the gear in the top-right corner of the screen.


Look for the section called Host Options and tap on Introduction Message.


There you’ll be able to craft your own, personalized message sharing with others how you’ll run your challenge, what to expect, and anything else you believe is important for them to know up-front.

Invite others to join your challenge

Once you’ve created your challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to invite others to join.

Personalize your invites

For each challenge you run, we provide you with a default, shareable message that will be sent along with invites that you send to others. 


Even though it’s custom-tailored to your challenge, it may lack your tone, style or flare. By tapping on the message directly, you’ll be able to make any edits you’d like before sending it off!

Sharing options

If it’s your first challenge, you’ll see a single option to Share via… (send a link to someone), and when you tap that, it’ll provide you with all the sharing options available on your phone including to share via email, text message, or to other destinations like Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), Slack, etc.

Many people choose the Copy to Clipboard option, which copies both your sharing message as well as your unique sharing link – which you can then use anywhere on the Internet to drive awareness and your communities back toward your challenge.

The pre-challenge experience

For your participants, the experience actually begins before your challenge.


The period between when someone accepts an invitation to join your challenge and when your challenge is slated to start could be a few hours or it could be a few days – or even weeks.


If you’ve got days or weeks before your challenge officially starts, you’ll want to think about what you can do to keep them engaged and excited so that they’ll be off to the races the moment it starts.


Think: How would you like someone to treat you?

Be welcoming

As soon as you start your challenge, craft a warm welcoming message that will be seen by anyone who eventually joins your challenge. See message ideas, available in-app to save you time.


Here is a truly first-class welcome message example:


Hi all & welcome to my 2 week hydration challenge! I’m so excited to be hosting you all and look forward to helping you reach your water intake goals!🚰


The ultimate goal of these next 2 weeks is to build better habits around drinking water for better health! So here are a few tips, tricks & reminders to set you up for success! 

  1. Set reminders in your phone or through the app to ensure you’re getting your water in all day long!


  2. Start your day with a big glass of water before anything else.


  3. Get a nice, big water bottle ready & start bringing it everywhere with you!


  4. Add lemon, frozen berries, cucumber, mint leaves or whatever you’d like to spice up your plain old H2O🥒


  5. Don’t forget to track as you go! First, it’s the best way to remember what you’ve actually consumed and it’s a nice way to remind the group to have a glass or 2 as well! I’d love to see you all getting hydrated all day long 🙏🏻

I know that when I track how much water I am drinking on a daily basis, I naturally increase my daily intake, and feel so much lighter, more clear and energized! So I’m excited to experience all these benefits alongside you all! Let’s drink up! 💦


For bonus points, record and share a short video welcome to let your personality really shine through!

Personal hellos

When someone joins your challenge, send them a hello. They just made a commitment to their health and put a vote of confidence in you to help them get there. 


Use the group chat or send a private message to them. You’ve got options!

Help people set realistic goals

We encourage people to set goals that are challenging yet achievable. 


You might have additional or different criteria that your participants should consider. Do your best to provide guidance on how they can set those. 


Within the app, everyone can update their personal goals up until the end of the first day.

Send friend requests to participants

When people you know join your challenge, invite them to become your friend on MasterHealth.


As friends, you’ll each be notified of each other’s activity within a challenge, which makes the overall experience even more engaging and personal for you both.

Tap participant inner circles to enhance accountability

Undoubtedly, you will be the prime source of accountability for everyone who joins your challenge.


But something magical happens when people in your challenge invite at least one other person that they know well to participate in your challenge with them.


The power of deep-rooted relationships in driving motivation and accountability is significant. 


If you’re able to make people feel like your challenge is a safe space where everyone is welcome, and actively encourage your participants to invite their friends along – you can tap into this dynamic and improve the odds that those participants will hit their goals.


You’ll also increase your reach (and possibly revenue) in the process! A real win-win for everyone.


Consider these example messages:


@Everyone: Please feel free to invite a friend… someone you know whose presence would push you just a little bit more. Someone who would love some friendly competition. Or someone who might simply find this fun!


Good morning everyone and welcome to our challenge! I am feeling the rush of day 1 and taking this energy into the weekend! You still have time to invite friends to join in 🙂 Hope everyone has an amazing day!! 🙏❤️


If you have a friend that you think may benefit, invite them to join the challenge too! This is sure to help hold you accountable and will add more fun to the group too! 😃

Share resources ahead of getting started

If people taking your challenge might benefit by having access to certain information, resources, or physical products in advance of starting your challenge – earlier is better than later to share that information with your challenge group.

Supported media

The challenge group chat supports sharing of videos and photos (uploaded directly from your phone) as well as links to third-party websites including articles on your website, PDFs you may have hosted on Google Drive, and other media like YouTube video links or Reels on Instagram.

Pin important messages

When you share a message that you feel is important, and that you’d like to remain easily accessible throughout the duration of your challenge – use the option to Pin this message when sending a message. 


There is a special section in the group chat with a 📌 that will filter and showcase only these messages from you. Curate this list however you please!

Set the culture

As you host, you get to set the culture.


Want people to share photos of their meals or workouts? Share one first, and invite everyone to do the same.


Want people to share why they’re grateful today, or what they discovered about themselves when writing their latest journal? Be vulnerable, and share first.


There’s no perfect way to do this. Experiment, see what works, and have fun!

The challenge experience

Social activity tracking

Be the first to log activity in your own challenge. 


All your friends in the challenge with you will be notified (and motivated) and then watch to see how quickly thereafter they’ll log their activity to match!


Others who tap into the group chat will see who’s taken action, get inspired, and join-in. 


It’s exhilarating to watch engagement grow within your community and friends of friends circle!

Engaging group chat

Send daily group messages

Be active in the group chat. Especially if you’re running a paid challenge!

Want some help? Our team can provide you with a first draft of up to 4 weeks (28 days) worth of content that is specific to your challenge. Reach out to us here, and we’ll be in touch right away!


We aim to save you 80%+ of the time, but expect to add your own flare, style, and point your challenge participants into your universe of links and resources.


Consider sending a mix of messages types including those that are motivational, inspirational, supportive, educational, and those that promote group engagement and cohesiveness.

Celebrate wins

Whether it’s one person who achieved something worth celebrating or multiple people hitting their goals for the day – these are great opportunities to celebrate with a short congratulatory message, and perhaps a few emojis! 🎉🙌

Set group goals

Leverage the social power of the group to get everyone to work together toward achieving a common goal. For example: 


Can the group meditate for 5 hours collectively today? 

Can the group get to 1 million steps together by the end of the weekend?


These are the sorts of challenges within a challenge that can get people to rise up and take action, even if they’ve been in a slump or disengaged for a few days!

Participant reports and DMs

During your challenge, you’ll have access to a real-time participant report that gives you a bird’s eye view of everyone’s progress pacing toward their goals, and whether they have any active streaks.


In a tap, you can send a quick congrats to people doing wonderfully, or send a nudge and offer to help others who may be falling behind. As always, you can customize drafts before they’re sent!


The tools are there to make it as easy as possible to be an engaged leader. It’s up to you to decide when and how often to use them.

The post-challenge experience

Thanks and feedback

A 6-star host thanks everyone for joining-in and giving it their best effort.


In an effort to always be improving, we recommend asking for feedback on how things went and what can be improved for next time. We here at MasterHealth welcome your feedback anytime!


You might consider asking which types of challenges they might want to participate in next?

Invite them to another challenge

While you have everyone’s attention, it’s the perfect opportunity to create a new challenge and invite everyone to come join you again.


You might consider doing this a few days before your challenge ends to maximize your opportunity to convert your current participants into repeat participants!

Participant final summary

When your challenge ends, you’ll get a final report in-app and by email that shows everyone’s achievements in terms of specific quantity completed and as a relative measure to the goal they set for themselves at the beginning of the challenge.


You might consider awarding a prize, or using this information to provide feedback to each participant in your DM chats available within the challenge experience.

Inspiration from Airbnb’s 6-star guest experience

Note: Airbnb is a startup turned billion-dollar travel company that lets guests book in to stay in other peoples homes, who are also considered hosts.


There is a fabulous story about how the founder of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, sought to understand the spectrum of possible guest experiences – from 1 stars to 5 stars, and from 6 stars to 10 stars, in an effort to deliver guests the best possible experience that is also realistic and achievable for hosts.


The Airbnb spectrum of guest experience:

Rating Experience Result
1 star The guest knocks on the host’s door and nobody answers. Ask for a refund.
3 stars The guest knocks on the door and has to wait 20 minutes to get in. Feedback: “I had to wait”
5 stars The guest knocks on the host’s door and the host opens it for them. Expected experience.
6 stars The guest knocks on the host’s door and the host welcomes them inside and shows them around. There is bottled water and toiletries provided. Love it more than a hotel.
7 stars The guest knocks on the host’s door and the host personalizes your experience. “I know you like surfing, here’s my surfboard you can use. Also, here’s my car while you’re in town. And a surprise booking for you at the best restaurant in the city.” Way beyond.
10 stars You get off your plane, and there is a private car waiting for you beyond a crowd of people cheering your name; you arrive at the Airbnb to a press conference waiting for you. The Beatles Check-in

Ultimately Airbnb became laser focused on this magical 6-star sweetspot, and worked closely with their hosts to help them repeatedly deliver these types of experiences to their guests around the world. 


By delivering 6-star experiences, those Airbnb hosts earned themselves much more revenue, repeat customers, and customer referrals who shared their stories of those great experiences first-hand.


Similarly at MasterHealth, we are focused on doing everything we can to help you, our challenge hosts, deliver 6-star experiences, delight their guests and help them succeed, and add a new, growing revenue stream to your income.

How to Deliver a 6-Star Challenge Experience
Friendly Challenges

Challenges are delightful health & fitness habit-building experiences you can run with your audience, team or friends. Get discovered, earn revenue.

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